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Feed emails into PSA/RMM/ticketing systems
To feed scans into ticketing systems that support creating tickets based on an email, you can specify that email address in the "Notifications to" setting.

To avoid creating unnecessary tickets you may want to create "workflow rules" to filter the required notifications:

  1. Sender equals "";
  2. Subject starts with "Reference scan", "Partner scan" or "Anonymous scan " (excludes "Internal referral" and "External referral" notifications);
  3. Subject contains or ends with a specific reference between parenthesis: e.g. specify "ticket" as reference code during the scan then Subject will end with "(ticket)";
  4. Body contains a specific target name: on the partner "Advertisements" tab, add one or more Targets with a specific "Name" and "Condition" (e.g. "CREATE_TICKET" for "Minimum scan score is NOT 6").
Thanks to partner TrotsIT for implementing and testing this with Autotask AEM PSA.
Although I like the idea of creating these Tickets, we chose to use the UDF in Autotask for this, and I think above is for PSA and not AEM/RMM.
We do not use PSA yet.
For AEM we created a component as batch-script with the following code:
:: ScanCircle version 1.41.2 mandatory
:: The first three letters of our Site names are index numbers refering to the customers name and the site
:: Create reference with these first three Site index nummer and its hostname
SET Reference=%CS_PROFILE_NAME:~0,3%--%computername%
:: Run ScanCircle piping the outcome which is the scan-url since version 1.41.2
:: do -skip uac as UAC is not set for system account
ScanCircle4.exe -language nl -partner <your partner code> -reference %Reference% -scanmode R -hidden -skip security.status.uac >ScanCircle.log
:: Read log file and put the content in UDF8 variable
SET /p UDF8=<ScanCircle.log
:: Use UDF8 variable to enter content in registry set to be picked up
REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CentraStage /v Custom8 /t REG_SZ /d "%UDF8%" /f
This way if an engineer needs to see the last scan, he can simply copy/past the url of UDF8 and look at the scan without logging in at ScanCircle
You are right. The scans were run from Autotask AEM but the logging was done in PSA using the following workfolw rule:


Thanks for adding the AEM tip!

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