Notifications to partners (for scans or referrals) can be done by email or by post:
Scan: when a user performs a scan in your partner environment
Referral: when a user of your own partner environment clicks on one of your advertisements or asks for support (internal referral) or a user of the general www environment clicks on your entry on the map (External referral)
- Email: The email is in HTML format with a so-called plain-text alternative. The sender of the email is (add this email address to a white list to avoid blocking by strict spam filters)
- Post: An HTTP post of an XML structure called "info" with one root node and one level of sub nodes. Use this method to process notifications automatically.
Scan: when a user performs a scan in your partner environment
- Email subject: "{source} scan results for {name}/{volumeid}/{serial}[ ({reference})]" ([] meaning optional)
- Email body contains: {advice}, {make}, {mobo}, {bios}, {os}, {installed}, {cpu}, {memory}, {disk}, {lastboot}, {ip} ({iplocation}), {score}, {targets}, {keys}, {message}
- Post XML root node: scan
- Post XML sub nodes: advice, language, scanmode, reference, name, volumeid, serial, make, mobo, bios, os, installed, cpu, memory, disks, lastboot, redirect, ip, iplocation, score, targets, keys, oskey*
- Post reply: the script should return (echo) "OK" to indicate that it is successful or a URL to redirect the user to a specific webpage. Other responses are regarded as error, then the message will still be sent to the next alternative (separated by a vertical bar). This continues until no more alternatives are available.
Referral: when a user of your own partner environment clicks on one of your advertisements or asks for support (internal referral) or a user of the general www environment clicks on your entry on the map (External referral)
- Email subject: "Internal referral" or "External referral"
- Email body contains: {advice}, {from}, {location}, {reference}, {redirect}, {ip}, {message}, {explanation}
- Post XML root node: referral
- Post XML sub nodes: type, advice, from, location, reference, redirect, ip
- Post reply: there is no check on the response (echo).
- {advice}: result URL for the expert (the Advice tab)
- {bios}: device's Basic IO System
- {cpu}: processor specs
- {disk}: local storage devices (drive names and size)
- {from}: partner code where the scan is performed (your own partner code for an internal referral, www for the general environment)
- {installed}: OS installation date
- {ip}: external IP address
- {iplocation}: city+state+country based on IP address
- {language}: active language code (en/nl)
- {lastboot}: last system boot date
- {keys}: license keys in the format {name}:{value}, separated by semi-colons (only in partner mode)
- {location}: a Google Maps link to the city (based on IP address) or the location specified by the user (only for external referrals)
- {make}: device brand and model
- {memory}: total memory installed and number and size of memory modules
- {message}: an optional reply/error message from a post method (scan) or an explanation (referral)
- {mobo}: mother board
- {name}: device name
- {os}: operating system
- {redirect}: the URL the end-user is redirected to (Summary tab for results or custom URL for referrals)
- {reference}: optional reference code
- {scanmode}: d=direct, p=partner, a=automatic, m=manual, e=alternative in MSIE
- {score}: total scan score (optionally with one decimal, '?' if OS unknown)
- {serial}: device serial number as specified by the manufacturer
- {source}: "Partner" (if partner mode), "Reference" (if reference code specified) or "Anonymous" (otherwise)
- {targets}: names of the targets that meet your specified advertisement conditions (separated by commas)
- {type}: type of referral "Internal" or "External"
- {volumeid}: volume serial number of primary hard drive