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Standard notification of scans/referrals
In release 1.41, functionality is added to specify other and more alternatives than 1 email address using the vertical bar. This way, you can log the scan to e.g. PC Repair Tracker (PCRT) and/or RepairShopr (RS) and/or email. Since the PCRT plugin requires a pcid and the RS plugin a ticket id, you must use the "category" parameter to handle the scan by the PCRT or RS plugin and use a reference code like pcrt:12345 or rs:6789

  1. Set "Notifications to" e.g. to:||
  2. This will send the scan to the PCRT plugin first. If the reference code contains* pcrt: then the numerical value of the following characters will be used as the pcid. If not or if there is no match on the pcid, the scan will be sent to the RS plugin. If the reference code contains rs: then the numerical value of the following characters will be used as the ticket id. If not or if there is no match on the ticket id, the scan will be sent to the specified email address;
  3. Even more alternatives can be added, but remember that this will slow down the client scan (which awaits the response before showing the results).

In addition, the functionality of the "category" parameter in the PCRT plugin* and the RS plugin has been modified slightly to support sending the scan to multiple destinations. Instead of just checking if the reference code starts with the specified category (plus a colon), it now checks if the reference code contains the specified category (plus a colon) and uses the numerical value of the following characters. To allow a scan to be logged in PCRT and RS, use the same configuration as above, but add the "copy" parameter to the first option and use a reference code e.g. like pcrt:12345;rs:6789

  1. Set "Notifications to" e.g. to:||
  2. The handling is the same as above, except that the processing continues even after a match is found and that different parts of the reference code are used.

*) the RS plugin is installed and maintained in the ScanCircle environment and therefore this update is available immediately. The PCRT plugin is installed in your own PCRT environment so the update for the "category" parameter will be available after the next PCRT release. So just start the reference code with "pcrt:" and this will work immediately too.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Notification scan/referral - by arnoud - 12-12-2017, 18:11

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