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Standard notification of scans/referrals
Notifications to partners (for scans or referrals) can be done by email or by post:
  • Email: The email is in HTML format with a so-called plain-text alternative. The sender of the email is (add this email address to a white list to avoid blocking by strict spam filters)
  • Post: An HTTP post of an XML structure called "info" with one root node and one level of sub nodes. Use this method to process notifications automatically.
In the definitions below, the variables are enclosed in curly brackets and explained in the variable list below. The XML sub nodes contain the variables indicated by the node name (e.g. <advice>{advice}</advice>).

Scan: when a user performs a scan in your partner environment
  • Email subject: "{source} scan results for {name}/{volumeid}/{serial}[ ({reference})]" ([] meaning optional)
  • Email body contains: {advice}, {make}, {mobo}, {bios}, {os}, {installed}, {cpu}, {memory}, {disk}, {lastboot}, {ip} ({iplocation}), {score}, {targets}, {keys}, {message}
  • Post XML root node: scan
  • Post XML sub nodes: advice, language, scanmode, reference, name, volumeid, serial, make, mobo, bios, os, installed, cpu, memory, disks, lastboot, redirect, ip, iplocation, score, targets, keys, oskey*
  • Post reply: the script should return (echo) "OK" to indicate that it is successful or a URL to redirect the user to a specific webpage. Other responses are regarded as error, then the message will still be sent to the next alternative (separated by a vertical bar). This continues until no more alternatives are available.
*)  To support existing scancircle2pcrt v1.35 implementations, the license keys will also be included in an <oskey> node for the moment

Referral: when a user of your own partner environment clicks on one of your advertisements or asks for support (internal referral) or a user of the general www environment clicks on your entry on the map (External referral)
  • Email subject: "Internal referral" or "External referral"
  • Email body contains: {advice}, {from}, {location}, {reference}, {redirect}, {ip}, {message}, {explanation}
  • Post XML root node: referral
  • Post XML sub nodes: type, advice, from, location, reference, redirect, ip
  • Post reply: there is no check on the response (echo).
Variable list:
  • {advice}: result URL for the expert (the Advice tab)
  • {bios}: device's Basic IO System
  • {cpu}: processor specs
  • {disk}: local storage devices (drive names and size)
  • {from}: partner code where the scan is performed (your own partner code for an internal referral, www for the general environment)
  • {installed}: OS installation date
  • {ip}: external IP address
  • {iplocation}: city+state+country based on IP address
  • {language}: active language code (en/nl)
  • {lastboot}: last system boot date
  • {keys}: license keys in the format {name}:{value}, separated by semi-colons (only in partner mode)
  • {location}: a Google Maps link to the city (based on IP address) or the location specified by the user (only for external referrals)
  • {make}: device brand and model
  • {memory}: total memory installed and number and size of memory modules
  • {message}: an optional reply/error message from a post method (scan) or an explanation (referral)
  • {mobo}: mother board
  • {name}: device name
  • {os}: operating system
  • {redirect}: the URL the end-user is redirected to (Summary tab for results or custom URL for referrals)
  • {reference}: optional reference code
  • {scanmode}: d=direct, p=partner, a=automatic, m=manual, e=alternative in MSIE
  • {score}: total scan score (optionally with one decimal, '?' if OS unknown)
  • {serial}: device serial number as specified by the manufacturer
  • {source}: "Partner" (if partner mode), "Reference" (if reference code specified) or "Anonymous" (otherwise)
  • {targets}: names of the targets that meet your specified advertisement conditions (separated by commas)
  • {type}: type of referral "Internal" or "External"
  • {volumeid}: volume serial number of primary hard drive
Note: the pre v1.38 layout is listed here for e-mails and here for web posts.

Messages In This Thread
Standard notification of scans/referrals - by arnoud - 01-09-2013, 14:07
RE: Notification scan/referral - by arnoud - 12-12-2017, 18:11

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