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Scan results on your own website
If you want to redirect the end-user to your own website instead of to your ScanCircle partner environment, then you can specify your "Own results page" under "Advanced settings". This accepts 3 parameters (language, advice URL, reference code) e.g. The own results page is not used for scans done in partner mode.

If you want to include the scan results page in an IFRAME on your own results page, then you can assign the value of the advice URL parameter to the src attribute of the IFRAME (e.g. using PHP or JavaScript). To prevent cross-site scripting, make sure to check that the advice URL is really a ScanCircle results URL (i.e. starts with http(s)://, where PARTNER is your own partner code). 

WordPress and Joomla websites that have the ScanCircle plug-in installed can use the [scancircle_results partner="PARTNER" param="ADVICE" IFRAME-ATTRIBUTES] shortcode (where PARTNER is your own partner code, ADVICE is the name of the advice URL parameter and IFRAME-ATTRIBUTES are standard IFRAME attributes like width and height), which performs the required checks and changes the src attribute.

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